Reserve a Time Slot for a Session

QHHT Session
Time: 4-6 hours or more
Language: Cantonese
QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) was developed by Dolores Cannon for decades. This hypnosis techique archieves the deeper level of trance. Every one can gain access to experience the life or scene that he/she lived. Regression helps us to know more and learn more about the present life. Find our true self, make clear of our uncertainty.

Reiki Session
Time: 30mins or 1 hour
Reiki is an inner connection with the earth/the universe. Every one has the connection. And every one deserves having connection with our nature. We are in our best situation when we connect ourselves and the nature with balance.
Family Wellness Consultation
Harmonizing family tension and resolving parent-child conflicts in all aspects. Providing consultation and spiritual guidance to parents who are homeschooling or seeking alternatives to mainstream education. Transforming family conflicts to effective communication methods, so as to create harmony, equality, and co-learning between parents and children.

1st Consultation
Time: about 20 - 30 mins
Language: Cantonese
Price: Free
Method: Online or Phone Call

Follow-up Sessions (2nd - 5th)
Time: about 30 - 45 mins
Language: Cantonese
Price: HK$500/session, total HK$2,000
Method: Online or Phone Call

One-time Consultation
Time: about 30 - 45 mins
Language: Cantonese
Price: HK$1,000/session
Method: Online or Phone Call
Non-sequential, On-demand Basis